Eagle River Golf Course Gent’s Golf League
The GENT’S is an informal gathering of like-minded senior and super senior men wanting to have a primarily social format to play 9 holes at the Eagle River Golf Course.
Members of the league will have the privilege to access the applicable Eagle River league rate.
The goal of the league’s membership is to promote the use of Eagle River Golf Course as THE place to gather for the social playing of 9 holes for older gentlemen. However, the league shall continue to be open to any “gentlemen” as the term is often denoted in the etiquette of golf, who wishes to play in the GENT’S.
Like any league, the GENT’S has rules for membership; however, the league seeks to keep the concept simple.
The RULES are:
- Everyone MUST pay a one-time membership fee of $10, which will go towards special prizes and year end recognition of a member who reflects the ideals of a “gentleman golfer”. A year-end charity event will be held.
- A member MUST complete the application form below.
- The GENT’S LEAGUE begins play at 1:00 pm every Monday. Participants MUST be at the practice area and ready to play at 12:40 pm and will then be assigned to specific groupings depending on the number of participants. Tee times have been reserved and members MUST SIGN UP IN ADVANCE on the board outside the pro shop or call the pro shop by COB SATURDAY. A member who has not signed up in advance is welcome to come, but those who did sign up will be given first choice on our reserved tee times.
- Members agree to adhere to the rules and policies of the Eagle River Golf Course, and the general rules and spirit of etiquette for golf, including “keeping up with play”.
- Members agree to recognize that as a primarily social and golfing group, friendship and fun are the shared expectation and goal of all the members.